Shrimp Cocktail 🍤

♥️Find Your Little Friday♥️

shrimp cocktail

A classic that has been overdone and can be underwhelming, but it remains a staple. My trick to giving it extra flavor comes from roasting the shrimps with their shells on, it is a game changer. Also, the wild caught shrimp just tastes better in my opinion. You do have to wait for them to cool to the touch so you can peel the shells and devein them. This sounds like a lot of work so that’s why I typically buy a quality store bought cocktail sauce. If I have the energy I make my own or sometimes I pair it with chimichurri. Enjoy!

2 pds wild caught shell on wild caught shrimp

good olive oil

salt and pepper

1/2 of a lemon to squeeze over the cooked shrimp

Preheat your oven to 400º. On a parchment lined baking sheet, spread the shrimp out into an even layer. Drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. Place in oven and roast for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, you can submerge in an ice bath to speed up the process, Peel the shrimps and devein. Squeeze with fresh lemon and serve with cocktail sauce…or any dip of your choice!
