Leah Green

♥️Find Your Little Friday♥️

What holiday treat do you look forward to having most every year?

“Well, as a kid and still to this day my mom always makes about 1 million different types of cookies for the holidays.  My favorite one, the one we as a family always request first are the 7 layer cookies. They’re also known as magic cookies but they’re more specifically known as the uncle Paul cookie in my family. They were his favorite back when he was still alive. It’s nice calling them the uncle Paul cookie— it’s our way of honoring his memory.  I will always think of him when I have that cookie.”

I did some quick research and whipped this delicious treat up! Aside from the fact that these are more of a bar than a cookie, I now know why these are called 7 layer/magic cookies and totally get why this was uncle Paul’s cookie of choice.  This is the recipe I used and was smitten with the results.

Leah is one of my oldest friends and she never ceases to amaze me with all that she manages to accomplish while staying steadfast, calm, wickedly funny and loving.  So…how does one like her with a full-time career manage the life of also being a full-time mom to two children (2 & 5), a devoted wife and having a social calendar packed to the brim stay balanced….!?!?

Side note; I have called her Wonder Woman long before the 2017 reboot

So, what is that something you do for yourself that keeps you balanced or acts as a remedy to your non-stop life?

“Finding time to go to the gym. My life as a kid thru being a teenager was extremely active, so I never thought about working out. I stayed the same size for many years and didn’t really pay attention to my body changes until I was nearing the end of college. After I left college, I began an overall health journey that was primarily focused on food, and I started to feel and look better, or more like my old self.  When I moved to New York City I got a job as a production assistant with Beach Body. I was hired to a specific program and I knew pretty much knew immediately that I wanted to also participate in the work.  That program and experience 1,000% changed my overall life—it set me on a totally new trajectory.  I have continued to sustain this way of living for the past ten years because it truly helps me stay connected to who I am.  My best a-ha moments happen while I’m sweating it out, it’s almost like clarity rains down over me and I want to say out loud, that’s what I was trying to do! It truly is also my greatest stress reliever.

Maintaining an active life to restore and maintain balance? I’m pretty sure that is how Wonder Woman spends her days! This really is nothing short of the truth, Leah practices what she preaches and has been one of my truest sources of comfort and motivation for all things life related.

What would you say is some of your best overall advice that you have received or discovered and  would be willing to share?

  • “When it comes to parenting, trust your instincts, the maternal instinct is a real thing. If your gut is telling you something or reminding you of something it’s probably the right thing to do!”

  • “Try not to worry about what someone else would do from parenting to your own personal lifestyle choices. Do what works for you. For example; my husband and I are both full-time working parents so we rely on things like allowing a little more screen time than other families, I’m sure. It’s just, when I get home at night and need to fold laundry I don’t really care if they get to watch another episode ofFancy Nancy. With my personal wellness journey I find that if I don’t eat what I’m craving, like a cheeseburger and fries, I will end up eating everything out of house and home. I would have been better off eating what I originally wanted and saving myself all the over-eating guilt and should have just enjoyed the craving.

  • “Get moving, physically! I can’t stress how important this is to me in my own life. I don’t even mean for that to seem like you have to do something extreme because you don’t. Go for a walk, watch a 10 minute workout video online, take the stairs to the 4th floor instead of the elevator, literally anything to get your body in motion. With kids it’s a challenge and I can’t even count how many failed attempts I’ve experienced but I always try to find a way and practice forgiving myself when I don’t.”

I know in my heart that there is something for everyone in Leah’s offerings. Her parental advice for me, is also a lot like a general life guidance. Trust your instincts, make some moves, don’t worry about what other people are doing or saying and be forgiving of yourself. Enjoy finding your own little moments of delight.

#findyourlittlefriday ♥️